Bury, Louis; Charlotte Schulz by Louis Bury, Bomb Magazine, May 22, 2024
Seph Rodney, Charlotte Schulz, Artillery Magazine, November 2014.
Megan Voeller, Spatial Engagement - Poetics of Space, Creative Loafing, July 23, 2014.
Juliann Castelbuono, On The Cover: Charlotte Schulz. Chronogram. September 2011.
Gupta, Arjun, Charlotte Schulz, artUS, No. 24, Fall
Parks, John, Space, Charcoal, and the Mind of Charlotte Schulz, Drawing, Spring 2007: p. 116-127
Charlotte Schulz talks about her work on the October 2011 cover
of Chronogram.
Cover film by Stephen Blauweiss and Amy Loewenhaar, produced by
Dead Hare Radio Interview 2011, Beacon, NY
The interview with Chris Albert begins at 2 min. 40 sec. into the
